“I now bring a declassified document to the attention of the public. This document has been retrieved from the archive of the President of the Russian Federation and is nothing short of sensational. For the first time in 34 years, confidential documents of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, revealing how Alexander Zinoviev was persecuted, are in the public domain “ (from speech by Olga Zinoviev, widow and guardian of the intellectual heritage of A.A. Zinoviev at a press conference in RIA Novosti – Moscow, October 26, 2012)
Report of the KGB of the USSR “Regulation on restraints of anti-Soviet activities by Alexander ZINOVIEV”, of June, the 28th 1978
Report of the KGB of the USSR
June, the 28th 1978
Regulation on restraints of anti-Soviet activities by Alexander ZINOVIEV
In addition to our regulation N 2576-A of 15th of November 1976 we advise that the former senior research associate of the Institute for Philosophy with Academia of Sciences of the USSR Alexander ZINOVIEV has fully embarked on the anti-Soviet path. In his talks with his companions and other people he expresses openly his direct determination to wage a struggle with the existing public and state order. In particular he said: “I believe that we should welcome any protest against the existing Soviet order even up to blowing bombs, murders, assassinations, and other attempts”.
ZINOVIEV has been recently active setting up contacts with all sorts of anti-social elements. His apartment is becoming a venue for all sorts of meetings for people with anti-Soviet sentiments and views. ZINOVIEV is taking part in discussions about anti Soviet actions being arranged currently and he is drawing all sorts of outlaws and outcasts.
In March of 1978 a Swiss Publishing House “The Human Age” released another ZINOVIEV’s anti Soviet libel called “Bright Future” (earlier this Publisher had released his “Yawning Heights”.
This following lampoon contains extremely cynical slanders about the Soviet reality, the theory and practice of the Communist Construction as well as abusive hits with regard to Vladimir Lenin, our Communist party and its leadership.
ZINOVIEV slanderous picture of the Soviet society is drawn as a Model of communism fenced by four rows of barbwire.
ZINOVIEV’s lampoon is geared towards unleashing and exacerbating ethnic feuds between nations. It also has rude hits and invectives towards the International policy pursued by the Soviet State.
Especially rude are the author’s offenses towards the Soviet people: ‘The most outrageous traits of a human nature are norms of our life. … All this filth is camouflaged by the most grandiose ideology” – he says.
ZINOVIEV praises and glamorizes SOLZHENITSYN in every possible way. “It is not the truth that I value in him, it is the riot against deceit and violence”- he maintains through the mouthpiece of one the characters of the given lampoon.
The keynote of his ‘ Bright Future’ is the call for the struggle against the current state and social order in the USSR. The character of the libel is a real mouthpiece of the author who declares direct demands and exhortations: ‘We must fight. It is our fight that shall determine the course of history! We must reconstruct the whole system at source… There is a need for strikes, the more, the better! That will give our endeavors a good start! There is only one means against violence- resistance!…”
In his daily life Alexander ZINOVIEV systematically meets with a number of correspondents from capitalist countries, he provides them with slanderous information and with their s backing organizes anti Soviet campaigns in order to draw attention to his personality, who is allegedly fighting for the freedom of academic activity. Mr. ZINOVIEV opposes himself to the Soviet institutions» Suppressing individual freedom».
Mrs. Olga ZINOVIEVA is taking direct part in ZINOVIEV’S anti-Soviet activities, born in 1945, nonpartisan. Her occupation is a house wife and she entirely shares his hostile views and is extremely negatively disposed towards the Soviet reality.
The materials’ analysis shows that ZINOVIEV has consciously stepped down on the anti-Soviet path. In his autobiography illegally transmitted abroad and published in the emigrant newspaper «Russian Thought» ZINOVIEV writes about his resolution to» claim his renunciation from the Soviet citizenship and claim political asylum in one of the Western countries».
The materials available in the Committee for State Security (KGB) testify to the fact that all Alexander ZINOVIEV’S activities have been illegal and unlawful and prove to have enough legal grounds to file a law suit against him and nail him on charge.
Nevertheless, this restraint would seem impractical in our view as according to some statements made by his peers, ZINOVIEV has been under treatment for alcoholism. He is said to be psychically unstable and is also said to be suffering from megalomania. These circumstances could serve as considerable grounds and motives for acknowledging Mr. ZINOVIEV mentally sick (should he be nailed on charge) AND IN CASE HE IS ACKNOLWGED as mentally sick he is to be focused on compulsive treatment.
Given the Western campaigns launched around psychiatry in the USSR this restraint seems impractical and inexpedient in the meantime.
Mr. ZINOVIEV is known, however to have been invited to take part in a number of symposiums to deliver lectures on logics in some universities in Western Europe, USA . He has received a private invitation from France in particular. ZINOVIEV is currently making every effort to process all the necessary documents to leave abroad with his wife and his preschool daughter.
The committee for State Security KGB considers it possible to allow Mr. ZINOVIEV and his family a private exit to one of the capitalist counties and deny him entry to the USSR. The issue of depriving Mr. A.A. ZINOVIEV of the Soviet citizenship is to be solved further on depending on his further conduct abroad.
See Drafts of the Resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU – see applicable.
Please consider.
Chairman of the Committee for State Security (KGB)
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU “On restraints of the anti-Soviet activities by Mr. A.A. Zinoviev ” (Extract from the protocol N111 from the session of the Politbureau of the CPSU of June, the 30th 1978)
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU
To Comrades: Brezhnev, Kosygyn, Andropov, Gromyko, Zamyatin, Pegov, Smirtyukov
Extract from the protocol N111 from the session of the Politbureau of the CPSU of June, the 30th 1978
On restraints of the anti-Soviet activities by Mr. A.A. Zinoviev
To approve of the proposal put forward by the Committee for State Security (notice of June the 28th 1978 N 1311-A – see attached)
of the Central Committee of the CPSU
Report of the KGB of the USSR “On depriving Mr. A.A. Zinoviev of the Soviet citizenship”, of August, 17th 1978
Report of the KGB of the USSR
August, 17th 1978
On depriving Mr. A.A. Zinoviev of the Soviet citizenship
In addition to the notice of June the 28th 1978 N 1311-A we herewith inform that Mr. ZINOVIEV who exited the Soviet Union together with his family on August the 6thto the FRG, continues to engage into hostile anti-Soviet activities.
After receiving the permission for exit from the Soviet Union he undertook some attempts to form a group consisting of persons negatively disposed towards the Soviet reality. Aiming at making negative and hostile impact on this group he has repeatedly addressed these individuals with anti-Soviet statements. He set up some illegal communication channels with several anti-social elements in order to use them in his undermining and disruptive purposes.
Upon his arrival in the FRG ZINOVIEV spoke again to the representatives of the bourgeoisie mass media from harsh anti Soviet perspective. He declared his full support to the persons engaged in the hostile activities in the USSR and called on the hostile reactionary foreign circles to fully support this group: he approved of the slanderous hysteria waged in the West about the violation of human rights in the Soviet Union; advertised his satisfaction with the refusal on the part of a number of Western scholars to visit the USSR because of this hysteria.
Considering the fact that ZINOVIEV consistently and systematically commits actions incompatible with the Soviet citizenship thus inflicting a smashing damage to the reputation and image of the USSR, the KGB considerers it sensible to deprive ZINOVIEV of the Soviet citizenship ( See Drafts of the Resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR – see applicable) The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR is to be published and considered.
Please consider.
Chairman of the Committee for State Security (KGB)
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU “On depriving Mr. A.A. Zinoviev of the Soviet citizenship”
(Extract from the protocol N 118 from the session of the Politbureau of the CPSU of August, 22nd 1978)
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU
To Comrades: Brezhnev, Kosygyn, Andropov, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Mazurov, Kuznetsov, Maltzev, Georgadze, Smyrtyukov
Extract from the protocol N 118 from the session of the Politbureau of the CPSU of August, 22nd 1978
On depriving Mr. A.A. Zinoviev of the Soviet citizenship
Approve of the draft of the Decree issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR regarding this matter (see attached).
of the Central Committee of the CPSU
On depriving Mr. A.A. Zinoviev of the Soviet citizenship
Considering the fact that ZINOVIEV consistently and systematically commits actions incompatible with the Soviet citizenship thus inflicting a smashing damage to the reputation and image of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Council decides:
On the basis of article 7 of the legislation of the USSR of August the 19th 1939 «On citizenship and legal nationality of the USSR» Mr. ZINOVIEV (born in 1922, native of Pakhtino village of the Chukchlomskoy district in the Kostromskaya region) is to be deprived of his legal nationality of the Soviet citizen due to his actions compromising and detractive for the USSR.